I am aware that my blogging output has steadily decreased as the months have past (shame on me). I have noticed that I either forget my camera when I go out or I bring my camera and the batteries are dead. This situation has not help my blogging. However, I am proud to say I acquired a new fifteen minute battery charger. So more images should be forthcoming.
Category: Visual Art
Stories, thoughts, and observations about art.
Fall News
This fall I have been taking courses in web and media design at Bucks County Community College and I am learning many fantastic programs, techniques, and processes. Soon I will have post-able examples of my progress. So far I have made ice cream melt in Adobe Flash, a poster in Photoshop, a kangaroo logo in Illustrator (it is a copy but I am mastering the pen tool), and finally I have made a button which when pushed meows like a cat. Other than school work, I have made new drawings and have made one journey to “The Big Apple”. While in NYC, I sought out Paul Klee’s drawings at the Met. Below is a work I saw at the Met. It is titled One Who Understands and is dated from 1934.
Summer Hiatus
Since my last post in May, I have been traveling and busy making art. I spent much of the summer in Northern Michigan teaching at Interlochen Center for the Arts. In June I drove westward and stopped in Detroit. My main destination was the Detroit Institute of the Arts. A sunny day added to the allure of the visit. I found many folks out on the front lawn of the museum catching rays as they faced Woodward Avenue. The Institute houses Diego Rivera’s installation of murals titled Detroit Industry. The murals portray Ford’s assembly line and chronicles mankind’s advances and struggles with science and technology.
Soaking Stamps
Stamps often provide an introduction to subjects and people

Next time you go to the post office consider helping out the postal
service by buying unusual stamps and avoiding the forever stamps.
Forever stamps also equal more of the same for stamp collectors.
You will be helping out collectors and artists like me who
use stamps in their art. Below is one of my watercolor/drawings
that includes stamps.