(To learn more about the “Viewfinder Project” see the original post.)Shelley Spector’s “Viewfinder” reminded me of the the Occupy Wall Street movement. It is about ordinary people joining to do something bigger than themselves. I was heartened to read an article in the L.A. Times about how the Occupy Wall Street protesters are generally unexcited […]
(To learn more about the “Viewfinder Project” see the original post.) Since I was young, I have been interested in stories about how a distant world may come in contact with our everyday life. Recently, I read a book by Gary Lachman about the German spiritual leader and philosopher Rudolf Steiner. At a certain point […]
(To learn more about the “Viewfinder Project” see the original post.) Kip Deeds, “Viewfinder”, 6″ x 4 1/4″, 2005 After receiving “Viewfinders” from other artists, I began to think about the suggestive nature of the image initially sent out (seen above). The image sent was printed with two layers. First, a red was printed on […]
This past spring I entered a contest where artists could submit designs for a billboard. There was a prescribed scale artists had to consider, but the was no limit on content. I spent a weekend making three designs. My original idea was to make a very small print large and then offer commentary related to […]
(For more information about the “Viewfinder Project” click here.) Several years ago I met Christopher Davison at his MFA exhibition in Philadelphia. After this exhibit, I invited Chris to make a “Viewfinder”. The drawing I received (seen below) led me to more questions than answers. Although illustrative, the image also seems somewhat atypical of Davison’s […]